
Reiki Music Package- 7 albums with bonus 90+ hours of relaxing nature sounds.

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Reiki Music Package- 7 albums with bonus 90+ hours of relaxing nature sounds.


Limited Time offer of 7 full Reiki themed albums and bonus 90+ hours of relaxing nature sounds.7 Albums in MP3 and in high quality WAV audio files.

Reiki Sleep is a brand new Reiki album by popular Reiki Composer Llewellyn (Reiki Gold, Sleep Gold) Working closely with experienced Reiki Master Mandy ONeill, Reiki Sleep includes a specially timed opening track for listeners to focus on their 7 main chakra points before going to sleep. The remainder of the album is continuous dreamy music to relax and help aid a good nights sleep. The healing music can also be used for Reiki treatments and is perfect for massage, aromatherapy, meditation and yoga.










Reiki Gold is the long-awaited new Reiki healing album by International recording artist Llewellyn. Working closely with experienced Reiki Masters, this specially recorded music is ideally timed for treatments, allowing healers and listeners to discover the power and benefits of Reiki healing with a clear and relaxed mind and body.

Reiki Students, Reiki Teachers and anyone seeking a healing path, will be inspired by the beautiful healing vibrational sounds that will unfold when playing this CD.

Reiki Gold is deeply relaxing music and perfect for many other therapies including massage, aromatherapy, meditation, and yoga. If you are looking for music to help you relax or sleep, then Reiki Gold is ideal. Includes detailed sleeve notes by Alison Bennett - Usui-Tibetan Reiki & Karuna Reiki


Reiki Gold is the long-awaited new Reiki healing album by International recording artist Llewellyn. Working closely with experienced Reiki Masters, this specially recorded music is ideally timed for treatments, allowing healers and listeners to discover the power and benefits of Reiki healing with a clear and relaxed mind and body.

1 White Light 

2 Green Gassho

3 Yellow Kanji 

4 Reiki Gold 

5 Violet Contemplation 

6 Just for Today I will not anger 

7 Just for Today I will not worry

8 Just for Today I will be grateful 

 9 Just for Today I will honour 

10 Just for Today I will respect 

11 The Healing Waterfall 

12 The Journeys End - White Light reprise - Grounding

Reiki Gold 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Llewellyns classic Reiki healing album Reiki Gold.

Once again this specially recorded music is ideally timed for treatments, allowing healers and listeners to discover the power and benefits of Reiki with a clear and relaxed mind and body.

Reiki Masters and students will be inspired by the beautiful healing vibrational sounds that will unfold when playing Llewellyns Reiki Music.

It is deeply relaxing music and also perfect for other therapies including massage, aromatherapy, meditation, and yoga. If you are looking for music to simply help

1. Pathway to Home

2. Reiki Truth

3. Reiki Love and Peace

4. Reiki Stillness and Rest

5. Hear The Wisdom of My Soul

6. A Place of Healing

7. A Place of Light

8. A Deeper Connection

9. In Honour and Respect I Heal

10. All that I Am

11. The Gift of Myself

12. Pathway to Home (reprise)

Total Running Time: 1 hour

Created by Llewellyn, Reiki Treatments contains 12 specially timed tracks (5 mins each) of natural sounds and natural sounds mixed with music.

Natural sounds include: calming waves, gentle river and birdsong.

1. Calming Seas - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

2. Calming Seas - 5 mins mixed with music

3. Gentle River - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

4. Gentle River - 5 mins mixed with music

5. Tranquil Birdsong - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

6. Tranquil Birdsong - 5 mins mixed with music

7. Calming Seas - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

8. Calming Seas - 5 mins mixed with music

9. Gentle River - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

10. Gentle River - 5 mins mixed with music

11. Tranquil Birdsong - 5 mins Natural Sounds only

12. Tranquil Birdsong - 5 mins mixed with music

Reiki River is beautiful healing music by Niall. Specially timed 5 minute tracks create an hour of ideal music for a Reiki treatment.

Co-produced by popular Reiki composer Llewellyn, Reiki River features outstanding flute performances by multi instrumentalist Niall with gentle guitar, keyboards and healing bowls.

Set against a background soundscape of soft flowing natural sounds of water, Reiki River is refreshing and like the energy of water, it will cleanse and help wash away the negativity.

Combining the talents of Niall (Reiki River, Calling

my Angels) and the classic angelic vocals of Juliana,

Angelic Reiki is deeply relaxing music and ideally

timed for Reiki treatments. (12 tracks x 5 minutes)

It sets the perfect atmosphere for raising angel

energy and healing.

Total Running Time: 60 minutes

Produced by Niall

Executive producer Llewellyn

Reiki Healing energy is not restricted by distance or time. It can be guided to any part of the Universe. Popular Reiki composer Llewellyn (Reiki Gold) has composed music to help enhance Reiki distant healing.

The spaciousness and ethereal music textures of Reiki

Starlight not only create the perfect calming environment for healing but essentially support the visualization process of sending out universal energy to heal the intended person, animal or situation like a bridge between Time and Space.

This special music album is divided into two 25 minute timed sections and can be used by individuals or collectively by many Reiki healers working together focusing on the same recipient.

It can also be used for Reiki treatments.

Plus these nature sounds (MP3):

Big River 11 Hours

Bird Song 11 Hours

Gentle Ocean 11 hours

Beach 3 Hours

Lupin Beach 11 Hours

Ocean Relaxing Surf 11 Hours

Ocean Waves 11 Hours

Stream Side Birds 11 Hours

Tropical Rainforest 11 Hours

Heavy Rain and Thunderstorm 11 Hours

Samples of some of the nature sounds:

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7 Reiki Albums (Both MP3 and WAV format as individual tracks)+ 90 HRS. Nature

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